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August Topic: Team Care and Belonging

Wellbeing by LWGH

How Team Care, Belonging and Wellbeing are being connected?


Dear members of Living with a Green Heart community,

The heat of previous days and weeks made us think about how our wellbeing is a matter of a very fragile state – few degrees of deviation from an average that we immediately perceive through a numerous complication for our everyday life.


In August we will focus on a human wellbeing through the perspective and link to the sense of belonging within a team and the quality of care experienced in a group. The interconnectedness of these elements forms a multifaceted dynamic that is essential for individuals to thrive in personal and professional settings. Understanding and fostering these connections can significantly enhance overall quality of life and productivity in many dimensions, emphasizing home and work in particular.

A sense of belonging within a team is a fundamental human need, deeply rooted in our evolutionary past. Historically, humans thrived in tight-knit communities where cooperation and mutual support were critical for survival. This innate need for connection persists today, manifesting in our personal and professional lives. When individuals feel valued and integral to their teams, from family to sport and work teams, they experience numerous psychological and emotional benefits.

Team care involves creating an environment where members feel supported, respected, and appreciated. This care can be demonstrated through effective communication, recognition of individual contributions, and fostering a culture of inclusivity. When team members know they can rely on each other, it builds trust and strengthens the collective resilience of the group.

Belonging, on the other hand, is the emotional experience of being accepted and included within a group. This feeling can significantly impact an individual’s mental health and overall wellbeing. Studies have shown that individuals who feel a strong sense of belonging are less likely to experience anxiety, depression, and stress. They also exhibit higher levels of self-esteem and life satisfaction.

Team care is critical for maintaining and enhancing individual wellbeing. It involves understanding and addressing the diverse needs of team members, which can range from emotional support to professional development opportunities. When team leaders and members prioritize care, it creates an environment where individuals feel valued and empowered to contribute their best.


Key elements of effective team care include:

  1. Active Listening: Ensuring that team members feel heard and understood is crucial. This involves not just hearing their words but also understanding their perspectives and concerns.
  2. Creating Green Spaces: Introducing plants and greenery into office spaces can improve air quality and create a more calming work environment.
  3. Recognition and Appreciation: Regularly acknowledging the efforts and achievements of team members fosters a sense of value and motivation. Recognition can be formal, such as awards, or informal, such as verbal praise.
  4. Inclusive Practices: Fostering an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone feels welcome is essential for team cohesion and individual wellbeing.


Creating a sense of belonging within a team or a group requires intentional efforts and strategies. It involves cultivating a culture where every member feels included and valued. Some effective strategies for building belonging include:

  1. Clear Communication: Open and transparent communication helps to build trust and ensures that team members feel informed and involved. Encouraging feedback and open dialogue is also crucial.
  2. Shared Goals and Values: Aligning the team around common goals and values can create a sense of purpose and unity. When team members understand how their contributions fit into the larger mission, they are more likely to feel connected to the team.
  3. Celebrating Diversity: Acknowledging and celebrating the diverse backgrounds and perspectives within the team can enhance the sense of belonging and promote a more inclusive environment.


Several organizations have successfully implemented strategies to enhance team care and belonging, leading to improved wellbeing and productivity. For example, Patagonia, as we have heard in one of LWGH’s KeyNote events from Ina Bobovnik Kukovič in June this year, an outdoor clothing company, emphasizes a strong sense of community and shared values among its employees. Regular team activities and a focus on work-life balance create an environment where employees feel connected and supported. This sense of belonging not only enhances employee wellbeing but also drives organizational success.

The synergy between team care, belonging, and individual wellbeing is a powerful driver of human flourishing. By fostering a culture of care and inclusion within teams, organizations can create environments where individuals feel valued, supported, and connected. As we continue to navigate the demands of modern life, prioritizing these connections will be essential for our collective health and happiness. Investing in team care and belonging is not just a strategy for improving wellbeing; it is a foundation for building resilient, high-performing teams and thriving communities.

We are inviting you all to our next LWGH Meet & Greet Online event. Please join us, dear Green Heart Warrior, for our next ONLINE meeting to discuss:


The Topic: Team Care and Belonging

Moderated by Mrs. Katja Pruša, who will host Mrs. Vlasta Korošec, Škofja Loka Supply Chain Manager,

on Aug 28th 2024 at 2.00 PM CET at the following link: 

The Living with a Green Heart Team