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October Topic: Mental Visualisation

October Topic: Mental Visualisation


Wellbeing by LWGH


The Power of Mental Visualization: A Path to Connect with Self and Others

Dear members of Living with a Green Heart community, in today’s fast-paced work environment, our well-being has become crucial for both personal fulfilment and our professional success. As discussed many times on our journey, it's no longer enough for the companies to focus solely on productivity and profits. To truly thrive, businesses must also prioritize the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of their employees. A powerful yet often overlooked tool for enhancing this well-being is mental visualization — the practice of imagining specific outcomes or scenarios to be able to vividly describe and present them and inspire real-life success and balance.

While often associated with elite athletes or high achievers, mental visualization can be incredibly beneficial for everyone. When used consistently, it helps reduce stress, boost confidence, increase focus, and enhance creativity, all of which contribute to greater well-being in the workplace.


The Power of Visualization

Mental visualization is not just daydreaming. It’s a structured practice where individuals create vivid mental images of their desired goals or scenarios. Neuroscience shows that when people vividly imagine doing something—whether it's giving a presentation or resolving a conflict—the brain activates in a similar way as if the action were actually happening. This makes visualization a kind of mental rehearsal, where you can "practice" success before the event itself.

Imagine a colleague preparing for a important presentation. Through visualization, we mentally rehearse confidently delivering the message, receiving positive feedback, and handling tough questions. At work, at home, with friends. This process helps us to feel more prepared and reduces the anxiety that might otherwise accompany the real presentation. It’s this sense of preparedness and confidence that contributes to an overall feeling of well-being.

Benefits of Visualization for Employees

  1. Stress Reduction: Work-related stress is one of the biggest contributors to burnout. We constantly juggle deadlines, meetings, and unexpected challenges, which can cause high levels of anxiety. Visualization helps by allowing us to mentally prepare for stressful events before they happen. For example, imagining ourselves successfully navigating a tense meeting or completing a project can lower our stress levels and help us feel in control.
  2. Confidence and Self-Belief: A critical part of well-being is believing in your own capabilities. Visualization strengthens this belief by allowing us to "see" ourselves succeeding. Whether it’s visualizing acing a job interview, solving a complex problem, or achieving a promotion, telling a story, the more vividly an individual imagines their success, the more confident we become in real life. This self-belief empowers us to take on challenges with a positive mindset.
  3. Improved Focus: In a world full of distractions, staying focused is difficult. What is important what we enjoy in….. Mental visualization helps us to clarify what is important or not by imagining the successful completion of our tasks. By visualizing and describing to others the steps we need to take, we can mentally organize their workflow and avoid procrastination. This increased focus leads to better use of time, which can reduce stress and promote a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Encouraging Creativity and Innovation: Visualization not only sharpens focus, but it also stimulates creativity. When we imagine various stories, scenarios or solutions, we allow our brains to explore new ideas without the constraints of reality. This "mental freedom" fosters innovation. To be able to visualize solutions to problems or imagine new possibilities can lead us to fresh ideas and approaches that brings us a satisfaction.
  5. Building Resilience: We all face setbacks from time to time. Visualization helps build resilience by allowing us to mentally rehearse how we will overcome challenges. By imagining positive outcomes, even after difficult situations, employees can shift their mindset from defeat to growth. This mental shift fosters a more resilient attitude, making employees better equipped to handle obstacles without feeling overwhelmed.

Incorporating Visualization in the Workplace

At work we can support our colleagues in using visualization by creating spaces where it can be practiced—whether through mindfulness programs, wellness workshops, or simple guided visualizations and stories of success before team meetings. Encouraging us and coworkers to take a few moments each day to mentally rehearse our daily goals can have a long-lasting impact on our overall well-being.

Take away message

Mental visualization is a simple yet powerful tool that we can use to improve our imagination, motivation and well-being potentials. By reducing stress, boosting confidence, enhancing focus, and fostering creativity, visualization helps us feel more balanced and prepared to meet the challenges of our work. And when we feel better, we perform better—leading to a healthier, more engaged life-work balance overall. Investing in visualization practices is, ultimately, an investment in the well-being and success of both individuals and organizations. To be able to visualise and to tell about our dreams by vivid communication to others is like telling a nice bedtime story to kids – getting attention, boosting positive energy, create smiles on the faces and creating relaxed and likable atmosphere around us.



We are inviting you all to our next LWGH Meet & Greet Online event. Please join us, dear Green Heart Followers, for our next ONLINE meeting to discuss:


The Topic: Mental Visualisation

Moderated by Mrs. Katja Pruša, who will host Mrs. Saša Bolarič, HR head in Škofja Loka, on Oct 23rd 2024 at 2.00 PM CET at the following link:

The Living with a Green Heart Team